In this article, you’ll find the 10 most popular and demanded programming languages to learn in 2021. We gathered the details on how to use these languages, their advantages, and disadvantages and the places to find the best tutorials. Read on!

1.      Java

Java is among the popular and on-demand programming languages that are applied in different solutions. The brain behind this programming language is Oracle Corporation. It is a multi-purpose programming language that has become the standard used in the design of many applications, irrespective of the platform. This programming language is now used in mobile applications and web development and even in Big Data. The backend of many popular websites also use Java; examples include Amazing, Google, YouTube, and Twitter. You can use this language to develop a wide range of applications, and it is currently one of the most used programming languages among IT developers across the world.


Java is beginner-friendly, even though it is a powerful languageIt has vast and feature-rich libraries and frameworksThere are different in-built features to enhance securityAs a beginner, you can easily find a job because organizations need both entry-level and experienced Java developersIt’s a native language for Android devices, so you can create an Android application.Write Once, Work Anywhere


It is a verbose language; This might be an advantage because it means that the language utilizes many words. However, long and over-complicated constructions can be less scannable and readable.

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Here are some tutorials you can use to learn Java:

CodeGym: An online tutorial to help you learn JavaJava Programming Basics by UdemyLearn Java by Codecademy

Our recommendation of a Java Tutorial is CodeGym because it is ideal for beginners.

2.      Python

Python is also a commonly-used programming language because of how easy it is to learn, thanks to its readability. If you are looking for an open-source programming language to learn, you might want to consider Python. This language has a high-level data structure, which makes it a perfect choice for Rapid Application Development. Python supports packages and modules that can encourage code reuse and other program modularity. The language is popular for deep learning applications and machine learning. You can use Python to create 2D imaging and even 3D animation with tools like Inkscape, Blender, and more. The language can also be applied in the creation of video games and for scientific research solutions.


Python offers a huge library, which makes it easy for developers to find any function they needThe language is portable, and you can write program once and run it anywherePython is easy to learn, read and write, and you won’t have a hard time trying to understand the code.


Developers may need to carry out testing of applications they build with PythonUnlike other programming languages, it is not memory efficient.If you are after speed, Python won’t be suitable for you.

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Python for Beginners by UdemyLearn Python 3 with CodecademyFree online tutorials at

3.      C/C++

C is one of the oldest programming languages from which other languages like JavaScript, Java, and C# came from. C++, on the other hand, is an augmented version of C. For most developers today, learning C is not necessary, while for others, it helps create a foundation to make C++ a lot easier. However, both languages are used frequently in computer programming and science. The two languages have a high performance, which is why they are popularly used in building different types of applications.


The language is universal, meaning that you can compile it for a bunch of systemsC/C++ offers different programming styles, which include the functional, procedural and Object-Oriented(C++) programming.C++ also offers a rich library(STL) that provides inbuilt functions and classesBoth C and C++ are super-fast and effective


C/C++ uses pointers, which is a difficult concept to understandAbsence of garbage collectorAbsence of built-in thread support

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

C Programming at LearnVernC++ Fundamentals at PluralsightC Programming for Beginners at Udemy

4.      Kotlin

This programming language is part of the JVM family. There are so many positive things about Kotlin, and even though it is frequently used for Android devices, it is important to note that it can work on different systems. Kotlin is a perfect blend of functional and Object-Oriented programming paradigms, and you’ll not regret learning this language.


Kotlin is conciseIt is easy to read and maintainIt has a safe and smart compilerIntegrates smoothly into an existing base


There are very limited learning sourcesKotlin has smaller developer community than Java has

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Official Kotlin TutorialKotlin for Java Developers by UdemyKotlin Bootcamp for Programmers with Udacity

5.      Swift

This is a multi-purpose programming language that is designed with a modern approach to performance, software design patterns, and safety. The programming language was developed by Apple in 2014. Though it is mostly used for iOS and macOS applications, the program could run on other systems, including Windows and Linux. A key thing about this programming language is the way it combines performance and efficiency of other languages, but with increased interactivity and simplicity. There are so many advantages of learning this programming language, and we have highlighted them below:


The language is easy to write and read, and it uses expressive and clean language with simplified grammar and syntax.The focus of this language is on safety and performance, just as the name suggests.It is easy to integrate with Objective-CThe language is also scalable.


It is still a young programming languageSwift has a limited talent pool, even though it’s growing at a fast rate.

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Design Patterns in Swift by UdemySwiftUI Basics: Let’s create an awesome iOS card app UI/UX design with SwiftUI in Xcode by SkillShareSwift for Beginners by Udacity

6.      JavaScript (JS)

This is a multi-paradigm, interpreted, and lightweight script language that is widely used for scripting web pages and other non-browser environments. JavaScript begins to run automatically right when the page is being loaded and you (as a user) can see its magic right away. In simple words, JavaScript is what makes a web page dynamic and alive with its nice fading effects, smooth transitions, and cool animations.


One of the easiest to learn and start withFaster than other interpreted languagesCompatible with other programming languages


It doesn’t have built-in debugging facilityClient-side security could be an issue

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Learn JavaScript with CodecademyModern JavaScript from the Beginning by UdemyRithm School: JavaScript Fundamentals

7.      C#

C# is also an object-oriented and multi-purpose modern programming language. It was developed by Microsoft, and approved by the International Standards Organization and European Computer Manufacturers Association. Consider C# if you want to learn a programming language that can add value to you. It runs on Common Language Infrastructure which enables the use on various platforms.


Integration with Windows and .NET powerful frameworkWorks faster than pure interpreted languagesYou can easily find additional developers


It runs slowly compared to other compiled languagesIt is not as flexible as other programming languages

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

C# Essential Training: 1 Syntax and Object-Oriented Programming with Instructor Bruce Van HornC# Development Fundamentals by PluralsightC# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding with Udemy

8.      R Language

This is one of the most commonly used programming languages in machine learning and data analysis. It is used by many companies, even the most technologically advanced organizations like Google and Facebook. R Language has a robust built-in library that allows programmers to develop machine learning algorithms. Machine learning is trending, and as such, learning this language will be a profitable investment.


It is an open-source programming languageQuality plotting and graphing is simplified with this languageExemplary support for data wranglingContinuously growing


R language has weak basic securityIt has poor data handlingIt has weak originThis language is rather complicatedIt is rather slow

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

R Programming A-ZTM: R for Data Science with Real Exercises! With UdemyIntroduction to R by DataCampThe R Manuals by the R Development Core Team

9.      PHP

This is a programming language that has been used for many years, mostly for server-side applications. It is one of the oldest programming languages and was very popular among web developers in 2000. The programming language is still widely used in many organizations, and it’s their hiring requirement. PHP is also open-source and multi-purpose scripting and programming language and purposed for use in web development. The reason for this is that the language is natively compatible with HTML.


It has good flexibilityThere is affordable website hosting for PHPIt offers speed for websitesPHP is easy to learnThere are many learning materials


It is mostly suitable for web developmentPoor error handling method

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Codecademy: Learn PHP TutorialPHP for Beginners by UdemyTreehouse: Getting Started with PHP Unit Testing

10.  Golang Programming Language

The last on our list is Go, which is a programming language that was created and supported by Google. This language shares many syntactic similarities with C, and it can solve different problems, including machine learning and network and system programming. It is worth mentioning that this is also a compiled programming language, which is why it is fast.


It is easy to understand, even though it’s not as popular as other languagesThe language is safer, and it features buiпlt-in testing


The language does not offer a virtual machine, which is important for multi-platform supportEven though simplicity is a major advantage, it is also a disadvantage mainly because some solutions require ри complexity

The Best Online Tutorials to Use

Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang) with UdemyGo Fundamentals by PluralsightLearn Go with Codecademy


So there you have it, the 10 most popular programming languages for 2020. We hope that our list will help you through your journey to learning a programming language or even getting a new profession. You can select any of the languages we have listed in this article based on your goals. What’s certain is that you’ll be able to work on more complex concepts after getting acquainted with these languages. Suppose you are still confused about what option to choose. In that case, you can begin by taking the Java Tutorial by CodeGym. Java is a very popular programming language, and you’ll be able to use it in many ways, while CodeGym will make your learning both efficient and entertaining.

About Author

Alex Vypirailenko is a Head of support by day and a Java learner by night. He can be followed at

The 10 Most Popular Programming Languages to Learn in 2022 - 42